Massage Heals The Soul And The Body

광고 Types, techniques and tips for proper massage

People are divided into those who have never gone to a professional massage and those who have gone. If we have not done so, we will never know how wonderful it is and why others are so enthusiastic about it.

But even if you can afford to go regularly to a good masseur, this information would also be useful to you. Because how to do a good massage is a skill to help our family and friends and is a prerequisite for deepening flirting and prelude to an exciting night. Massage is both a pleasant experience and serious therapy when made by a specialist – therapist. Recommended for 출장마사지:

Any diseases of the locomotor system, as long as there are no contraindications.

For babies – especially useful for general body development and communication with the baby.

For colds, perceptions, professional pains

For a general beneficial effect on the body.

To make a nice massage to someone:

We need to know which part of the body we will massage and provide comfort to the whole body, not just to it. It is important to be at rest, only the lying posture does not provide it.

Provide comfort. If a person is lying on his back, put a support under his knees and ankles and neck so that the body and all the muscles are at rest. If a person is lying on his stomach – the support is in the area of the head and knees. It’s good to be completely relaxed, warm because it’s best to massage the naked skin – so the massage affects the skin receptors apart from the muscles.

Knowledge about the human body. You do not have to become a therapist, but basic situations can be learned. Which muscle starts and ends and in what direction is its fiber. So the massage will be more precise.

Scheme of human musculature

Never massage on joints and bones. This is particularly true for the spine. On both sides – yes, close to the tail – yes, but not on the vertebrae themselves and on the coccyx itself.

Never massage on a lymph node – this tissue is soft, no muscle, but it is very specific, and if your fingers reach such a place – your neck, groin, armpits – go over with a slight squeeze.

The painful place itself is never massaged with aggressive movements like squeezing and crushing. It is necessary to know where this muscle starts and from there in the direction of the fibers through the site, with weak pressure, towards the end of the muscle. Thus, we stimulate the body only to overcome the trauma and not reinforce it further. Make sure the person you massage will have a healthy bone system, no problems in soft tissues like fresh wounds or other acute illnesses. If it is a cold – as a rule, do not massage a person with fever.

Here we come to the aim of the massage:

To overcome certain problems – perceptions, cold, overwhelming parts of the body – arms, waist, thighs. Then massage is directed to these areas, not on them, but around them.

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