The Wedding Booze or You’re Gonna Charge me How Much?


Gentlemen, congratulations on deciding to make the commitment of your life to your one true love! That is some manly s*#t you are pulling off. Since the moment you got down on bended knee, I bet you’ve had a bunch of conversations with your girlfriend, ahem pardon me, Fiancee, about the wedding. While your wife may be transfixed as to how every detail must be perfectly beautiful, your top priority is more likely “How can we make this the funniest damn party I ever did throw ufabet?”

If that’s not the case, WAKE UP BROTHA!!! If this is going to be the most cash you’ve ever thrown down on a party, don’t you think it should be the most fun party humanly possible? Right. So, how do you make sure your wedding is a blast? Two simple words my friends: Food and Booze. A well-fed and buzzed wedding guest is an ecstatic, loving guest. As I write this I’m stuffed but sober, so let’s focus on booze.

“But Hunter,” you say, “I’m trying to have a budget wedding.” Fear, not my friend, the wedding that only serves pizza, wine, and beer will beat out the tea tolling wedding where diamonds are hung from every corner any day of the week. But As the old saying goes, “Ya want booze? The cash you’re gonna lose.” Hmmm, I’m not sure that’s a saying, but the one thing I do know is that when it comes to a wedding, couples are taken off guard by how much the holy spirits of the party end up costing them. So here are some tips so you don’t get caught in the money pit behind the boozy curtain.

Location Location Location. It’s sad how many times I’ve heard a couple think they’ve found the perfect location at the perfect price with no knowledge of the numbers they are soon to see. The rental was a steal, they even put down the deposit but then they found out that no outside liquor was allowed and the bar cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. One of the first questions you want to ask a location is what is your catering/liquor policy. Some are flexible others are not.
The best way to pull off a cheap wedding bar will always be to bring in your own booze. Some locations will charge you to do this rather than using their services. Pop-out the calculator and see if it’s worth it. Most likely it is. Sometimes it’s an insurance issue. See if your caterer or your planner has insurance that will cover you do your own bar.
If the facility has no leeway on their bar policies, an easy way to save is by closing the bar after cocktail hour and serving only wine and beer with dinner.
Another route is to nix the full bar and go with a few signature cocktails plus wine and beer. We did a pear martini and called it… wait for it… “The Perfect Pear”. Have a cocktail with the taste preferences of the bride and one of the grooms. Folks will love this bit of wedding inspiration and by drink two they’ll be everyone’s favorite.
Still trying to save a few more dollars? Doing just wine and beer is just fine and don’t let anybody tell ya different. No matter what your guests are into, they should be cool with one or the other. Consider tapping a keg to keep costs down, and don’t be afraid to cleverly re-label your cheap neighborhood wine and suddenly two buck chuck is a unique wedding vino .
Going one of these routes should make everyone happy. If someone isn’t happy with those choices, then that’s their problem and they were going to find something to complain about no matter what. Why did you invite that person anyway…? Oh right, they’re your third cousin. Yeah, third cousins are the worst… unless they are the person you happen to be marrying. If that’s the case may you live happily ever, and may I be the first to make a toast to your future children with lovely large chins.


Hunter Stiebel A.K.A The Fresh Hubby is president of Broke-Ass Media and a regular contributor and editor of the award-winning The Broke-Ass Bride. The Broke-Ass Bride website inspires and empowers readers to make the most of what they have by using creative, outside-the-box ideas rooted in practical advice to have a bad-ass wedding on any budget. Also, The Broke-Ass Bride has non-stop weekly giveaways and deals… it’s kind of nuts.

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